Kendall County (IL) Forest Preserve District

Asiatic Dayflower (Common Day Flower)
Commelina communis
Dayflower family (Commelinaceae)

Blooms August
- mid-September

The non-native (Asian) Asiatic Dayflower is common in our area. It prefers partial sun and moist to slightly moist fertile loamy soil. Habitats include edges of floodplain forests, vacant lots and waste areas. This member of the Spiderwort family is a summer annual with round, smooth, hairless stems about 1-3' long. The alternate leaves are up to 5" long and 2" across and untoothed. The base of each leaf is clasping with a membranous sheath about 1" long that wraps around the stem. Occasionally, a single flower on a stalk about 1-2" long is produced from the leaf axils. This flower is about ½–1" across, consisting of 2 large blue petals and 1 small white petal. The flowers bloom during the morning for only one day, hence the common name.





Asiatic Dayflower at Yorkville Riverview Park August 24, 2015











Asiatic Dayflower at Yorkville Riverview Park August 24, 2015









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