Kendall County (IL) Forest Preserve District

Fringed Gentian (Blue Gentian)
Gentianopsis crinitaa (Gentiana procera)   [C-value 10]
Gentian family (Gentianaceae)
Blooms September - mid-October

The native Fringed Gentian is rare in our area. It prefers full or partial sun and wet to moist calcareous sandy soil. Habitats include wet to moist sand prairies, fens, open wooded swamps and wooded ravines. It is a slender, graceful, branching biennial about 1-3' tall with pairs of opposing, lance-shaped, leaves with a slightly succulent texture. Upper stems terminate in flowers on peduncles up to 8" in length. Each flower is 1½-2½" long, consisting of a broad tubular, medium blue to deep dark blue, corolla with 4 spreading petals hat are rounded and fringed.




Fringed Gentian at Tucker-Millington Fen September 24, 2014












Fringed Gentian (with open flowers) at Tucker-Millington Fen September 23, 2014

Fringed Gentian flowers open only on sunny days.









Native Americans used the leaves of Fringed Gentian to cool inflammations or sunburns. Tea from the root was used to “purify the blood” and soothe the stomach. See Do Not Disturb Notice.

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