Kendall County (IL) Forest Preserve District

Heart-Leaved Aster
Symphyotrichum cordifolium (Aster cordifolium)   [C-value 7]
Aster family (Aster family)
Blooms mid-August
- mid-October

The native Heart-leaved Aster is rare in our area. It prefers part shade and slightly moist sandy soil. This woodland perennial is 2-3' tall with a smooth, many-branched, stem.  Its basal leaves are heart-shaped, with a very deep cleft at the base of the leaf. Upper stem leaves are alternate, smooth, jaggedly toothed, still somewhat heart-shaped, but with a shallower cleft (resemble leaves of Arrow-Leaved Aster.) Each flower is about 3/4" across having about 8-15 lavender, light blue-violet (or white) ray florets surrounding 14-20 yellow or purple disk florets. Flowers are in a rounded panicle in dense clusters.




Heart-leaved Aster at Richard Young Forest Preserve woods edge September 22, 2014












Heart-leaved Aster foliage at Pickerill/Pigott Forest Preserve woods edge September 20, 2014









Heart-leaved Aster at Pickerill/Pigott Forest Preserve woods edge September 20, 2014

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