Kendall County (IL) Forest Preserve District

Heart-Leaved Skullcap
Scutellaria ovata   [C-value 10]
Mint family (Lamiaceae)
Blooms June - mid-July

The native Heart-Leaved Skullcap is rare in our area and is one of our Plants of Concern. It  prefers dappled sunlight to medium shade and slightly moist loamy soil. Habitats include bottomland woodlands and slightly moist rich woodland openings. This lovely perennial is 1-3' tall with light green, heart-shaped leaves and  narrow terminal racemes (3-12" long) of  flowers, with only a few in bloom at the same time. The skullcap blossoms have a light blue or purple tubular corolla with 2 lips. The upper lip is a protective hood (skullcap), while the lower lip is larger, rounded and somewhat lobed




Heart-leaved Skullcap at a Kendall County Forest Preserve woodland area June 7, 2012













Heart-leaved Skullcap at a Kendall County Forest Preserve woodland area June 26, 2017











Heart-leaved Skullcap at a Kendall County Forest Preserve woodland area June 14, 2013









Heart-leaved Skullcap seed nutlets at a Kendall County Forest Preserve woodland area August 21, 2015

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