Kendall County (IL) Forest Preserve District

Hoary Vervain
Verbena stricta   [C-value 4]
Vervain family (Verbenaceae)
Blooms mid-June - September

The beautiful native Hoary Vervain is uncommon in our area. It prefers full sun and slightly dry poor soil containing some clay or gravel. Habitats include upland or gravel prairies, abandoned fields and areas along railroads. This beautiful perennial grows to 3½' tall with stems heavily covered with white hairs. The opposite, coarsely toothed, ovate leaves are up to 4" long and 3" across and covered with fine white hairs. The upper stems terminate in hairy floral spikes, 1-8" long and densely crowed with pale-blue or lavender flowers. Each flower is about ¼" across with a short corolla with 5 spreading petals.




Hoary Vervain at Maramech Forest Preserve July 1, 2013












Hoary Vervain at Maramech Forest Preserve July 1, 2013












Hoary Vervain at Millbrook South Forest Preserve July 15, 2013












Hoary Vervain foliage at Millbrook South Forest Preserve July 15, 2013








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