Kendall County (IL) Forest Preserve District

 Large-Leaved Aster (Big-Leaved Aster)
Eurybia macrophylla   [C-value 9]
Aster family (Asteraceae)
Blooms September -

The native Large-Leaved Aster is uncommon in our area. It prefers partial sun to medium shade and moist to slightly dry rich soil. Habitats include sandy oak woodlands, sandy oak savannas and woodland borders. This perennial has a rosette of basal leaves during the spring that spans about 6-12" across. In the summer, sparingly branched stems develop with alternate leaves up to 4" long and 3" across on winged petioles up to 3" long. The upper stems terminate in a panicle of flowers 3-8" across. Individual flowers are ½-1¼" across, with 8-20 lavender to white ray florets surrounding numerous yellow or purple disk florets.



Large-leaved Aster at Hoover Native Garden September 25, 2014












Large-leaved Aster at Hoover Native Garden September 25, 2014







Large-leaved Aster (basal leaves) at Hoover Native Garden September 25, 2014

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