Kendall County (IL) Forest Preserve District

 Pickerel Weed
Pontederia cordata   [C-value 10]
Pontederiaceae (Pickerelweed family)
Blooms July - mid-September

The native Pickerel Weed is an aquatic perennial that likes full to partial sun and shallow water or wet mucky soil. It is about 1-3' tall, consisting of a loose clump of basal leaves and occasional flowering stalks. The long-stemmed basal leaves are smooth, lance- or oval-shaped, toothless and up to 7" long and 5" across across. The stout unbranched flowering stalks are 1-3' long, hairless, hollow, and terminate in a floral spike up to 5" long. The brilliant blue-violet 3-petal flowers (up to ½" across) are densely arranged around the spike.




Pickerel Weed at Harris Forest Preserve back pond July 12, 2015












Pickerel Weed at Harris Forest Preserve back pond July 12, 2015









Pickerel Weed colony at Harris Forest Preserve back pond July 12, 2015






Pickerel Weed colony at Harris Forest Preserve back pond July 12, 2015







Pickerel Weed at Harris back pond July 4, 2017

 Click here for more information.

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