Kendall County (IL) Forest Preserve District

 Scurfy Pea (Slimflower Scurfpea)
Psoralidium tenuiflorum (Psoralea tenuiflora)   [C-value 10]
Bean family (Fabaceae)
Blooms June - mid-July

The native Scurfy Pea is rare in our area. It prefers full sun and dry soil. Habitats include hill prairies, dry upland prairies and areas along railroads. This perennial is 2-3' tall with alternate compound leaves, either trifoliate (3 leaflets) or palmate (5 leaflets),  up to 3" long. The leaflets are up to 1½" long and 1/3" across; narrowly elliptic-shaped and toothless on slender petioles up to 1" long. Narrow racemes of blue-violet flowers occur on the upper stems on up to 4" long peduncles. These racemes are 1½–3" long with 1-4 flowers at intervals along the raceme. The 5-petal pea-like flowers are up to ¼" long.



Scurfy Pea blooms photo by Dr. J. Hilty








 Scurfy Pea at Maramech Forest Preserve June 10, 2013



Scurfy Pea bloom photo by Dr. J. Hilty










Scurfy Pea at Pickerill/Pigott Forest Preserve pond July 9, 2012









Scurfy Pea leaves photo by Dr. J. Hilty




Scurfy Pea at Pickerill/Pigott Forest Preserve pond June 29, 2013











Scurfy Pea seedpods each containing only a single seed.







Click here for more information.

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