Kendall County (IL) Forest Preserve District

 Tall Bellflower (American Bellflower)
Campanula americanum   [C-value 3]
Bellflower family (Campanulaceae)
Blooms July - October

The beautiful woodland native Tall Bellflower is common in our area. It prefers light shade to partial sun and can be found in moist to slightly dry open woodlands, woodland borders and along woodland trails. It is an annual or biennial, 2-6' tall, and usually unbranched with slightly grooved and hairy stems with alternate, toothed, lance-shaped, leaves up to 6" long and 2" across. The stem terminates in a flower spike ½–2' long. The lovely dark blue 5-petaled flowers are about 1" across with an  interesting light violet style strongly exerted, elephant-trunk-like, from the flower's center.




Tall Bellflower at Maramech Forest Preserve August 14, 2013












Tall Bellflower pre-bloom flower spike at Pickerill/Pigott Forest Preserve July 11, 2013












Tall Bellflower foliage at Pickerill/Pigott Forest Preserve July 11, 2013













Tall Bellflower at Richard Young Forest Preserve July 12, 2014












Tall Bellflower at Lyon Forest Preserve July 20, 2013








Tall Bellflower at Lyon Forest Preserve July 21, 2014

Joe Pye Weed and Tall Bellflower at Lyon Forest Preserve July 22, 2015





Tall Bellflower in fall at Lyon Forest Preserve October 31, 2014








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