Kendall County (IL) Forest Preserve District

 Virginia Spiderwort (Spider Lily)
Tradescantia virginiana   [C-value 5]
Dayflower family (Commelinaceae)
Blooms June
- mid-July

The native Virginia Spiderwort is rare in our area. It prefers partial sun and medium-moist conditions and might be found in moist black soil prairies, savannas and woodlands edges. This perennial's erect unbranched stems are up to 2' tall with smooth grass-like leaves, up to 12" long and 1" across, and often bending down at the middle. The main stem terminates in a small cluster of 3-petaled violet/lavender flowers, each about 1" across and often drooping from their slender hairy pedicels.

Virginia Spiderwort at University of Illinois Extension native garden July 2, 2015

Each flower opens in the morning and closes by mid-afternoon.




Virginia Spiderwort at University of Illinois Extension native garden July 2, 2015









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