Kendall County (IL) Forest Preserve District

 Water Willow (American Water-willow)
Justicia americana   [C-value 6]
Acanthus family (Acanthaceae)
Blooms June
- mid-August

The native Water Willow is uncommon in our area. This is a colony-forming aquatic perennial with willow-like leaves. It prefers full or partial sun, shallow standing water and soil that is muddy, sandy, or gravelly on the banks or bars of rivers or streams. The emergent stems rise 1-3' above the water with pairs of opposite lance-shaped leaves 2-6" long and ¼-1" across. Flowers, about ¾" across, occur on long peduncles growing from the axils of the upper leaves. The flowers are mostly white but tinted pale purple or lavender with dark purple mottling at the base of each petal.

Water Willow at Baker Woods Forest Preserve June 26, 2012





Water Willow at Baker Woods Forest Preserve at edge of AuSable Creek June 26, 2012








Water Willow colony at Baker Woods Forest Preserve June 20, 2012





Water Willow colony at Baker Woods at edge of AuSable Creek June 20, 2012








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