Kendall County (IL) Forest Preserve District

Arrow Arum (Green Arrow Arum)
Peltandra virginica   [C-value 10]
Arum family (Araceae)
May - mid-June

The native Arrow Arum is rare in our area. It prefers partial sun to light shade, standing water up to 1' deep, and muck or very moist soil containing organic matter, sand, or peat. Habitats include very moist woodlands, swamps and shallow water along ponds and streams. This perennial aquatic forms clumps of basal leaves on stout petioles 2-30" long. The leaves are 8-24" long and 4-10" across, untoothed and arrowhead shaped. The tiny flowers are arranged along a cylindrical spadix, 4-8" long, that is surrounded by a spathe with pale green and purple wavy margins and remains open in the middle. The spadix is greenish-yellow to greenish-white, later becoming purple to dark brown.





Arrow Arum at Farnsworth House May 13, 2017












Arrow Arum not yet open spathe at Farnsworth House May 13, 2017












Arrow Arum maturing spadix at Farnsworth House May 13, 2017












Arrow Arum leaves at Farnsworth House May 13, 2017








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