Kendall County (IL) Forest Preserve District

 Bottlebrush Grass (Eastern Bottlebrush Grass)
Elymus hystrix (Hystrix patula)   [C-value 5]
Grass family (Poaceae)
Blooms June - Mid-July

The native Bottlebrush Grass is common in our area. This perennial grass likes partial sun or light shade and moist to slightly dry rich loamy soil in deciduous woodland openings, borders, and paths and partially shaded stream banks. It is 2½–5' tall with a green erect unbranched central culm. Grayish green alternate leaves, up to 12" long and 1/2" across, occur along the culm. The culm terminates in a spike-like raceme about 3½-8" long and cylindrical in outline. Pairs of divergent spikelets are distributed bilaterally along the raceme's stalk. The spikelets are wide spreading and perpendicular to the stalk.




Bottlebrush Grass at Lyon Forest Preserve July 6, 2013

Its fertile spikelets develop seeds for spreading and this grass often forms small colonies.










Bottlebrush Grass at Lyon Forest Preserve July 6, 2013












Bottlebrush Grass at Baker Woods Forest Preserve June 7, 2012












Bottlebrush Grass at Baker Woods Forest Preserve June 7, 2012









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