Kendall County (IL) Forest Preserve District

 Gray's Sedge (Common Bur Sedge)
Carex grayi   [C-value 7]
Sedge family (Cyperaceae)
Blooms Mid-June - July

The native Gray's Sedge is uncommon in our area. It is a perennial sedge, 2–2½' tall, and prefers partial sun to medium shade and soil containing loam or silt in swamps and shaded areas along streams and seeps. This sedge has a loose tuft of leaves and culms (stems), or it may develop as a solitary leafy culm. Each culm is light green 3-angled and unbranched with several alternate leaves along its length up to 14" long and 3/8" across. Each culm terminates in 1 or 2 green pistilate spikelets and a single stamenate spikelet. Each pistillate spikelet is about 1–1½" across with a spiky appearance.




Gray's Sedge at Baker Woods Forest Preserve June 26, 2012











Gray's Sedge at Baker Woods Forest Preserve June 26, 2012









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