Kendall County (IL) Forest Preserve District

 Horse Gentian (Early Horse Gentian)
Triosteum aurantiacum   [C-value 5]
Honeysuckle family (Caprifoliaceae)
Blooms June - Mid-July

The native Early Horse Gentian is uncommon in our area. It prefers light shade and slightly moist rocky loam soil. Habitats include open upland woodlands, wooded slopes and edges of hill prairies. This perennial is 2-3½' tall, unbranched with a stout light green central stem and pairs of opposite slightly toothed leaves, 4-8" long and 1½-3½" across. Green to reddish green flowers appear in small clusters at the axils of middle to upper leaves. The flowers later develop into yellow and then orange-red fruits that become about ½" long at maturity.

Horse Gentian orange fruits at Lyon Forest Preserve September 18, 2012

Horse Gentian early flowers at Lyon Forest Preserve March ‎23, ‎2016




Horse Gentian at Lyon Forest Preserve March ‎23, ‎2016.












Horse Gentian orange fruits at Lyon Forest Preserve October 31, 2014









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