Kendall County (IL) Forest Preserve District

Pagoda Dogwood (Alternate-Leaved Dogwood)
Cornus alternifolia   [C-value 9]
Dogwood family (Cornaceae)
Blooms June

The lovely native Pagoda Dogwood is uncommon in our area. It prefers partial sun and moist well-drained rich loamy somewhat acidic soil. It is occasionally found in high quality natural areas including openings in deciduous woodlands and rich woodland borders. This shrub can grow to 25' tall, developing widely spreading tiered branches with alternate leaves located close together toward the tips of small branches. The leaf blades are 2-5" long and about one-half as much across, oval-shaped and untoothed with curving lateral veins on each side of the central vein. Among the leaf clusters, flat-headed panicles (2–3½" across) of numerous small flowers emerge. Each greenish-yellow to cream colored flower is about ¼" across.

Pagoda Dogwood at Hoover Forest Preserve wood's edge May 14, 2015

 Pagoda Dogwood at Hoover Forest Preserve wood's edge May 14, 2015

Pagoda Dogwood blooms in woods at Lyon Forest Preserve May 26, 2015

Each individual flower is later replaced by a small berry about 1/3" across that becomes ripe (dark blue) in early fall.

Pagoda Dogwood (post blooming) at Lyon Forest Preserve July 22, 2015

Pagoda Dogwood immature berries at Lyon Forest Preserve July 22, 2015



Pagoda Dogwood ripe berries at Lyon Forest Preserve July 22, 2015









Pagoda Dogwood trunks and branches in spring (pre-leafing) at Lyon Forest Preserve April 26, 2015








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