Kendall County (IL) Forest Preserve District

Tall Nettle
Urtica procera   [C-value 2]
Nettle family (Urticaceae)
Blooms July - mid-September

The native Tall Nettle is common in our area. It prefers partial sun to light shade and moist to slightly moist fertile loamy soil. Habitats include disturbed open woodlands, floodplain woodlands, woodland borders and trails, partially shaded seeps, and moist waste areas. It is a tough perennial, up to 8' tall, with ridged, bristly stems and toothed, veiny, lance-shaped leaves. The central stem is sparsely covered with fine stiff stinging hairs that can penetrate one's skin. It has panicles of tiny whitish-green blossoms that sag from the leaf axils.




Tall Nettle at Millbrook South Forest Preserve woods edge September 30, 2014









Tall Nettle at Millbrook South Forest Preserve woods edge September 30, 2014 (this one was top-heavy and bent over)

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