Kendall County (IL) Forest Preserve District

Upright Carrion Flower
Smilax ecirrhata   [C-value 5]
Greenbrier family (Smilacaceae)
Blooms June

The native Upright Carrion Flower is uncommon in our area. It prefers partial sun to light shade in moist to slightly dry conditions and may occur occur in open woodlands. It is an unbranched perennial 1-3' tall with upper leaves that are 3-5" long and 2½–4" across, broadly oval-shaped and untoothed with parallel veins. Spherical umbels, ¾–1½" across, of 6-25 flowers are produced from upright floral stalks up to 6" long. This plant is dioecious - male and female flowers are produced on separate plants. Both male and female flowers are about ¼" across with green tepals. The flowers have an unpleasant odor like decaying carrion.

Upright Carrion Flower at Baker Woods Forest Preserve May 19, 2014  (the plant pictured has male flowers having 6 stamens with tiny white anthers)



Upright Carrion Flower at Baker Woods Forest Preserve May 19, 2014  (with deer-browsed tops)

Fertilized female flowers are later replaced by berries about 1/3" across that become dark blue-violet to black as they mature in autumn.







Upright Carrion Flower at Baker Woods Forest Preserve May 19, 2014  (with deer-browsed tops)

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