Kendall County (IL) Forest Preserve District

Field Bindweed (Perennial Morning Glory)
Convolvulus arvensis
Bindweed family (Convolvulaceae)

Blooms mid-July
- mid-September

The non-native (European) Field Bindweed  is common in our area, and a 'noxious weed' in some staes. It prefers full sunlight and slightly moist to dry conditions and flourishes in poor soil. Habitats include lawns, gardens, fields, clay banks and roadsides. This perennial vine has 2-4' long stems that are usually smooth, but are sometimes hairy where new growth occurs. The alternate leaves are 1-2' long and half as much across, untoothed, and arrowhead-shaped with long slender petioles. A slender flowering stalk may develop from the base of a petiole and produce 1-3 flowers. The flower is funnel-shaped and up to 1" across, with 5 white or light lavender petals and a patch of yellow in its throat.

Field Bindweed at Blackberry Trails Forest Preserve August 12, 2015

As with others in the Morning Glory family, a Field Bindweed flower is open just one day, usually opening during the morning and closing by late afternoon.  

Field Bindweed at Jay Woods Forest Preserve September 3, 2014



Field Bindweed along Budd Road September 7, 2013

Bloom color can vary from blue, lavender or light pink to almost pure white.












Field Bindweed at Pickerill/Pigott Forest Preserve July 6, 2012












Field Bindweed vine on another plant's stem at Jay Woods Forest Preserve September 3, 2014








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