Kendall County (IL) Forest Preserve District

Asimina triloba   [C-value 9]
Custard Apple family (Annonaceae)
Blooms May - mid-June

The native Pawpaw is uncommon in our area. It prefers light shady areas in moderately-moist deciduous woodlands and small woodland openings. This shrub or small tree grows to 6-30' tall and branches sparingly (especially in shaded areas). Mature leaves are untoothed, 5-12" long and 2-4" across, and turn bright yellow in the fall. It has gorgeous maroon 3-petal flowers about 1" across that are later replaced by stubby, sweetish, banana-like fruits.

Pawpaw tree bloom. Photo by Dr. J. Hilty.

Blooms on a Pawpaw tree at Maramech Forest Preserve May 14, 2013

Blooms on Paw Paw tree at Maramech Forest Preserve May 14, 2013

Pawpaw tree leaves. Photo by Dr. J. Hilty




Pawpaw tree trunk. Photo by Dr. J. Hilty







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