Kendall County (IL) Forest Preserve District

 Wild Ginger
Asarum canadense   [C-value 7]
Pipevine family (Aristolochiaceae)
Blooms April - Mid-

The native Wild Ginger is common in our area. It is a low-growing (4-12" tall) perennial that prefers light shade and moist to slightly moist rich loamy soil. Habitats include deciduous woodlands, bluffs and areas along ravines and slopes. It has a short stem that branches at ground level into 2 slightly hairy and shiny basal leaves with long petioles. The leaves can be 3" long and 4" across. From the axil of the leaves, near the ground, develops a single 3-petaled maroon cup-shaped flower about 3/4" across on a short stalk. The flower usually rests on the ground where it can be pollinated easily by ants and other ground insects.

Wild Ginger at Lyon Forest Preserve April 26, 2015

Wild Ginger at Baker Woods Forest Preserve April 3, 2012

Wild Ginger bloom at Farnsworth House May 13, 2017

Wild Ginger at Baker Woods Forest Preserve April 21, 2014




Wild Ginger at Millbrook South Forest Preserve May 4, 2013

Both the flowering stalk and the petioles of the leaves are covered with long and twisted white hairs.








Wild Ginger colony at Baker Woods Forest Preserve April 17, 2012

Native Americans used Wild Ginger root as a seasoning in soups and stews and as a stimulant and appetite enhancer. Fishermen would chew the root and spit on the bait to enhance its attraction to fish. The root was also used as a medicinal herb as it has two kinds of antibiotics and was used against several bacteria and fungus in treating dysentery, skin infections, digestive problems, swollen breasts, cough and colds, typhus, scarlet fever, "nerves", sore throat, cramps, earache, headache, convulsions, asthma, tuberculosis, urinary disorders and venereal disease. Reminder: see our Do Not Disturb Notice.

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