Kendall County (IL) Forest Preserve District

Deptford Pink
Dianthus armeria
Pink family (Caryophyllaceae)

Blooms mid-June - mid-August

The non-native (European) Deptford Pink is uncommon in our area. It prefers full sunlight in moderately-moist to dry conditions and usually grows in meadows and trail sides. It is a biennial, about 1-2½' tall and very slender and erect with opposite pairs of narrow linear leaves up to 3" long and 1/8" across. The upper stems terminate in small clusters of lovely white-spotted pink flowers about 1/3" across with 5 spreading petals and a tubular green calyx.





Deptford Pink at Blackberry Trail Forest Preserve prairie July 12, 2013












Deptford Pink at Harris Forest Preserve woodland trail July 10, 2013












Deptford Pink foliage at Harris Forest Preserve woodland trail July 10, 2013








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