Kendall County (IL) Forest Preserve District

Purple Milkweed
Asclepias purpurascens   [C-value 8]
Milkweed family (Asclepiadaceae)
Blooms mid-June - mid-July

The lovely native Purple Milkweed is rare in our area. This perennial prefers partial sun and moist to slightly moist rich soil. Habitats include meadows in wooded areas, woodland borders or openings, oak savannas and roadsides. It is 3-4' tall with a light green round stem and opposite leaves up to 6" long and 3" across and lance-shaped with smooth margins that undulate up and down. The stem terminates with 1-6 umbels  (about 2-3" across) of lovely flowers that are pink, pale purple or deep purple.




Purple Milkweed at Lyon Forest Preserve June 26, 2017












Purple Milkweed at Lyon Forest Preserve June 26, 2017












Purple Milkweed foliage at Lyon Forest Preserve June 26, 2017












Purple Milkweed at Lyon Forest Preserve June 26, 2017












Purple Milkweed seed pods








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