Kendall County (IL) Forest Preserve District

 Red Clover (Meadow Clover)
Trifolium pratense
Bean family (Fabaceae)

Blooms mid-May - November

The non-native (Eurasian) Red Clover is very common in our area. It prefers full sun and slightly moist loam or clay-loam soil. Habitats include fields, pastures, weedy meadows and roadsides. This perennial is ½–2' tall with hairy stems, sprawling or erect. The alternate compound leaves are trifoliate. Toward the middle of the upper surface of each leaflet, there is usually a chevron that is white or light green. The upper stems terminate in flowerheads that are spheroid or ovoid, about 1" across, consisting of numerous flowers. Each flower has 5 narrow petals that are pink or purplish pink, becoming light pink or white toward the base of the flowerhead.




Red Clover at Pickerill/Pigott Forest Preserve September 21, 2014












Red Clover at Pickerill/Pigott Forest Preserve July 4, 2012












Red Clover foliage at Pickerill/Pigott Forest Preserve September 21, 2014









Common Sulfur Butterfly on Red Clover at Pickerill/Pigott Forest Preserve August 31, 2014

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