Kendall County (IL) Forest Preserve District

Smooth Wild Rose (Early Wild Rose)

Rosa blanda   [C-value 5]

Rose family (Rosaceae)
Blooms June - mid-July

This lovely native rose is common in our area. It prefers full to partial sun and slightly moist to dry soil. Habitats include slightly moist to dry black soil prairies, openings in woodlands, oak savannas and areas where prairie remnants remain. It is a suckering, red-stemmed shrub, 3-5' tall with alternate compound oddly pinnate leaves having 3-7 toothed leaflets about 2" long and 1" across. The solitary flowers, about 2" across, occur on pedicels with glandular hairs. Each flower has 5 pink or lavender-pink petals and numerous bright yellow stamens and pistil at the center of the flower that is flat and wide.

                          Smooth Wild Rose at Harris Forest Preserve July 6, 2013

Smooth Wild Rose at Harris Forest Preserve July 6, 2013

Smooth Wild Rose foliage at Harris Forest Preserve July 6, 2013

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