Kendall County (IL) Forest Preserve District

Dame's Rocket
Hesperis matronalis 
Family (Brassicaceae)
Blooms May
- mid-June

The non-native (European) Dame's Rocket is common (unfortunately) in our area. It is a very invasive and keeps trying to move into moist open areas in our fine woodlands (see note below). It prefers part shade and moist rich soil. Habitats include moist woodland openings and trails, woodland edges, meadows and areas along ditches. It is an upright, multi-branched, biennial that typically grows 2-4' tall with  toothed, lance-shaped, alternate leaves. It has white, lavender or purple, 1/2" across, 4-petaled flowers in loose, terminal racemes. 





Dame's Rocket at Millbrook South Forest Preserve May 24, 2013












Dame's Rocket near Pickerill/Pigott Forest Preserve May 9, 2015

Its attractive flowers are very fragrant, particularly in the evening (Hesperis comes from the Greek word for evening).









Dame's Rocket at Lyon Forest Preserve May 21, 2016












Dame's Rocket foliage at Lyon Forest Preserve May 21, 2016









Dame's Rocket at Maramech Forest Preserve May 25, 2013

Additional notes:

Dame's Rocket is a very invasive non-native plant. It establishes colonies in shady areas crowding out most other plants.  Richard Young in Kane County Wild Plants wrote "This popular European perennial is an escaped garden plant that is still sold in wildflower mixes. ... Their pervasive fragrance and gaudy color suggests an overdressed matron wearing too much cheap perfume ..."

The picture above shows how Dame's Rocket can make a beautiful scene but, as we see here, it can crowd out native plants. In this particular area, its primary competition is Garlic Mustard, another very invasive plant.

Dame's Rocket is often confused with our native Summer Phlox. One key difference is that Summer Phlox has opposite leaves and Dame's Rocket has alternate leaves.

Click here for more information.

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