Kendall County (IL) Forest Preserve District

 Purple Loosestrife
Lythrum salicaria
Loosestrife family (Lythraceae)

Blooms mid-June - mid-September

The non-native (European) Purple Loosestrife is common (unfortunately) in our area. It is an invasive that keeps trying to move into our natural wetlands. It prefers full or partial sun, wet to moist conditions and a mucky soil. Habitats include fens, marshes, disturbed wetlands and mudflats along the Fox River and other streamsThis perennial is 2-5' tall, branching frequently below the inflorescence. The leaves are usually opposite, less often whorled in 3's. The lower leaves are up to 4" long and ¾" across, lance-shaped, untoothed, slightly hairy and clasping the stems. The upper stems terminate in ½–2' long spikes of 6-petal purple flowers about ½–1" across.




Purple Loosestrife at Subat Forest Preserve July 1, 2013












Purple Loosestrife at Blackberry Trail Forest Preserve July 17, 2015












Purple Loosestrife at Blackberry Trail Forest Preserve July 17, 2015












Purple Loosestrife at Blackberry Trail Forest Preserve August 15, 2013












Purple Loosetrife along Fox River September 17, 2013












Purple Loosetrife along Fox River September 17, 2013









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