Kendall County (IL) Forest Preserve District

 Purple Prairie Clover
Dalea purpurea   [C-value 9]
Bean family (Fabaceae)
Blooms mid-June - September

The native Purple Prairie Clover is uncommon in our area. This perennial prefers full sun and average to dry conditions in restored prairies or dry prairie remnants. Its stems are 1–3' tall, smooth, graceful and unbranched with sparse 3-7 linear leaflets. The stems terminate in cylindrical regal royal purple spikes of tiny flowers about ¼" across with 5 small petals and 5 golden anthers protruding outward.




Purple Prairie Clover at Hoover Forest Preserve July 2, 2013

The flowers bloom together as a flowery wreath starting at the bottom of the spike and then gradually moving upward as the season progresses.






Except for the color, Purple Prairie Clover is very similar to White Prairie Clover.




Purple Prairie Clover at Hoover Forest Preserve July 20, 2015












Purple Prairie Clover leaves (photo by Dr. J. Hilty)








Purple Prairie Clover seed heads at Oswego-Montgomery Library October 26, 2014





Purple Prairie Clover seed heads along Fox River November 12, 2014








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