Kendall County (IL) Forest Preserve District

Redbud (Eastern Redbud)
Cercis canadensis   [C-value 10]
Senna family (Caesalpiniaceae)
Blooms mid-April - mid-May

The native Redbud is rare in our area although it is frequently planted as a landscape ornamental. It prefers partial sun and medium-moist conditions. This woody shrub or small tree is 12-25' tall, forming a short trunk that is often crooked and a crown that is widely spreading and irregular. Before the leaves unfold in the spring, clusters of flowers and their buds develop along older branches. The flowers are bright rosy pink or purple while they are still in the bud stage, becoming pink to light pink as they bloom and age. Individual flowers are about ½" long and have a pea-like floral structure. Later, alternate heart-shaped untoothed leaves, 2½-5" long, develop along these shoots.

Redbud at Richard Young Forest Preserve April 30, 2016




Redbud at Richard Young Forest Preserve April 30, 2016









Redbud near Pickerill/Pigott Forest Preserve October 14, 2015

Redbud with seedpods at Richard Young Forest Preserve June 2, 2015

Redbud with seedpods along Route 25 June 4, 2017

In the summer, fertilized flowers develop flattened purple-brown seedpods, 2-4" long and ½" wide.

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