Kendall County (IL) Forest Preserve District

Wood Lily (Prairie Lily)
Lilium philadelphicum   [C-value 10]
Lily family (Liliaceae)
Blooms mid-June - mid-July

The native Wood Lily is almost absent in our area although it is common in most northern states. It prefers partial sun and slightly moist loamy or sandy soil. Habitats include thinly wooded bluffs and slightly moist woodland openings or borders. This perennial is 1–2½' tall and unbranched. It has a whorl of 4-11 leaves at the stem apex and a few alternate lower leaves, elliptical, toothless, 2 to 4"  long and ½ to 1" across. The stem terminates in 1-3 flowers, about 2½" across, having 6 spatula-shaped tepals, deep orange to red, yellow at the base and marked by maroon spots. Fertile flowers are later replaced by oblong seed capsules 1½–2¾" long.

Wood Lily (not in Kendall Co.) (photo by Eleanor Saulys)

The two pictures below are of the only Wood Lily we know of in Kendall County. It is on private property and we have not yet seen it bloom. The picture of a Wood Lily bloom above (by Eleanor Saulys) is included for completeness.

Wood Lily on private Kendall Co property 5-13-17




Wood Lily on private Kendall Co property 5-13-17









Native Americans used Wood Lily seeds and bulbs for food. They used its roots for coughs and fevers and for swellings and bruises. Reminder: see our Do Not Disturb Notice.

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