Kendall County (IL) Forest Preserve District

 American Cranberry Bush (Highbush Cranberry)
Viburnum trilobum   [C-value 10]
Honeysuckle family (Caprifoliaceae)
Blooms mid-May - mid-June

The native American Cranberry Bush is rare in our area. It is a Viburnum, not a true cranberry. It prefers full sun to light shade and wet to moist conditions. It is a shrub with multiple narrow trunks ascending to slightly spreading branches. Pairs of maple-shaped opposite leaves occur along the shoots and twigs. Some of the upper and outer shoots terminate in flat-headed panicles, about 2-4" across, of tiny white flowers. Along the outer margin of each panicle are several sterile bright white flowers about ¾" across. In the panicle's middle are many fertile cream-colored flowers about ¼" across that are replaced by bright red berries 1/3" across in the fall.

American Cranberry Bush at Richard Young Forest Preserve May 21, 2015

American Cranberry Bush in open woods at Lyon Forest Preserve May 26, 2015

American Cranberry Bush in open woods at Lyon Forest Preserve May 26, 2015

American Cranberry Bush berries near Hollenbach Forest Preserve September 7, 2018

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