Kendall County (IL) Forest Preserve District

Annual Bedstraw (Cleavers)
Galium aparine   [C-value 1]
Madder family (Rubiaceae)
Blooms mid-April - June

The native Annual Bedstraw is common in our area. It prefers partial sun to light shade, moist conditions, and a rich loamy soil. Habitats include moist woodlands,  seeps and floodplain meadows. This is an annual, about 1-3' long that is usually unbranched. It has weak stems with whorls of 6-8 leaves. Both the stems and leaves have stiff hairs that point downward enabling the plant to cling to adjacent vegetation for support. The leaves are up to 3" long and ¼" across and toothless. From the  upper whorls of leaves, either solitary flowers or small cymes of 2-3 flowers are produced on short stalks. Each tiny flower is about 1/8" across with 4 white petals with pointed tips. 




Annual Bedstraw along Minkler Rd May 5, 2015













Annual Bedstraw at Pickerill/Pigott Forest Preserve April 29, 2015











Annual Bedstraw at Pickerill/Pigott Forest Preserve April 25, 2015









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