Kendall County (IL) Forest Preserve District

 Biennial Gaura (Butterfly Weed)
Gaura biennis   [C-value 2]
Evening Primrose family (Onagraceae)

Blooms mid-June -

The native Biennial Gaura is common in our area. This biennial prefers full sunlight and slightly moist to slightly dry conditions and tolerates many kinds of soil. Habitats include restored prairies, meadows in wooded areas and gravelly banks along rivers and roadside embankments. During its first year, this plant develops a rosette of basal leaves. During the second year, it bolts to become 3-7' tall at maturity, branching above. Its alternate ascending leaves are 4-7" long and ½-1" across, lance-shaped and toothless. The upper stems terminate in open panicles of floral spikes that are up to 2½' long with flowers blooming from the bottom to the top later replaced with seed capsules. Each flower is about ½" long and across with 4 white to pink petals.

Biennial Gaura at Millbrook South Forest Preserve September 21, 2013

Biennial Gaura (more pinkish in color) along Minkler Road August 29, 2013





Biennial Gaura stem and leaves along Minkler Road August 15, 2013








Biennial Gaura along Minkler Road August 26, 2013





Biennial Gaura along Minkler Road August 15, 2013








Biennial Guara at Blackberry Trail Forest Preserve August 20, 2013

Biennial Gaura at Millbrook South Forest Preserve prairie September 15, 2012





Biennial Gaura late summer foliage along Route 71 August 20, 2013

The leaves often become reddish in autumn in response to cold weather.






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