Kendall County (IL) Forest Preserve District

 Bishop's Cap (Twoleaf Miterwort)
Mitella diphylla
   [C-value 10]
Saxifrage family (Saxifragaceae)

Blooms mid-April - May

The native Bishop's Cap is rarely found in our area and is monitored as one of our Plants of Concern. It prefers dappled sunlight during the spring, otherwise shade is tolerated. Habitats include slightly moist areas of woodlands where the soil contains abundant organic matter. This interesting perennial has an erect flowering stalk about 8-16" tall with a single pair of opposite leaves about halfway up the stalk. At the base of the plant, there are basal leaves on long petioles. The flowers are widely spaced along the top of the stalk on very short pedicels. Each white flower is less than ¼" across with 5 white petals, 10 yellow stamens a pair of styles, a greenish white calyx with 5 short petals, and a single-celled ovary. The petals have a fringed appearance.





Bishop's Cap in a Kendall County Forest Preserve open woodland area May 14, 2013












Bishop's Cap in a Kendall County Forest Preserve open woodland area April 23, 2013












Bishop's Cap in a Kendall County Forest Preserve open woodland area May 14, 2013












Bishop's Cap in a Kendall County Forest Preserve open woodland area April 18, 2017







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