Kendall County (IL) Forest Preserve District

 Blackhaw Viburnum (Blackhaw)
Viburnum prunifolium   [C-value 4]
Honeysuckle family (Caprifoliaceae)

The native Blackhaw Viburnum is common in our area. It prefers light shade to partial sun and slightly moist to dry soil that is loamy or somewhat rocky. Habitats include rich woodlands (particularly where oaks are dominant), upland woodlands, woodland borders, and areas along woodland paths. It is a branched woody shrub or small tree up to 15' tall. The opposite leaves are up to 3" long and 1" across and finely toothed with slender petioles up to 1" long and reddish. Cymes of flowers about 3-5" across develop from the axils of the leaves. Each tiny  flower starts as a light pink bud and then opens into a 5-petal white flower about ¼" across. After blooming each flower is replaced by a fleshy ovoid drupe with a single seed inside.

Blackhaw Viburnum at Lyon Forest Preserve lower fen May 7, 2015

Blackhaw Viburnum at Lyon Forest Preserve lower fen May 7, 2015

Blackhaw Viburnum at Lyon Forest Preserve lower fen May 14, 2015





Blackhaw Viburnum at Farnsworth House woods May 13, 2017








Blackhaw Viburnum drupes at Maramech Forest Preserve July 8, 2017





Blackhaw Viburnum at Lyon Forest Preserve lower fen May 6, 2016








Several older Blackhaw Viburnums at Maramech Forest Preserve woodland May 6, 2016

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