Kendall County (IL) Forest Preserve District

 Bladder Campion
Silene vulgaris
Pink family (Caryophyllaceae)

Blooms mis-May - July

The non-native (European) Bladder Campion is common in our area. This weed prefers full to partial sun and grows where few other plants could make it including gravelly edges of parking lots and gravelly waste areas. It is a perennial, about 2' tall, often branching near the base, with opposite leaves up to 2½" long and ¾" across, lance-shaped and toothless. Some of the upper stems terminate in large panicles of numerous flowers. Each flower is ½-¾" across and ¾-1" long, consisting of 5 white petals that are deeply cleft (resembling 10 petals) and a swollen bladder-like calyx  with 20 longitudinal purple veins.

Bladder Campion at Jay Woods Forest Preserve June 1, 2013 (edge of parking lot)





Bladder Campion at Maramech Forest Preserve May 25, 2013 (along driveway)







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