Kendall County (IL) Forest Preserve District

 Bur Cucumber
Sicyos angulatus   [C-value 5]
Gourd family (Cucurbitaceae)
Blooms August -

The native Bur Cucumber is uncommon in our area. It prefers full or partial sun and moist fertile soil. Habitats include openings in floodplain forests, moist meadows and banks of ditches. It is an annual vine up to 25' long that develops multiple lanky hairy stems. The alternate leaves are up to 8" long and across with 3-5 palmate lobes and slightly toothed. Branched tendrils and racemes of flowers occur opposite the leaves along the vine. Both male and female flowers are produced on the same plant. The male flowers tend to bloom in small clusters toward the apex of the raceme. Each is about 1/3" across with a greenish white corolla with 5 spreading petals. Each female flower has a large ovary that is enclosed within an oval-shaped fruit about ½" long covered with sharp spines and long white hairs.

Bur Cucumber at Millbrook South Forest Preserve woods edge September 30, 2014





Bur Cucumber at Millbrook South Forest Preserve woods edge September 30, 2014












Bur Cucumber at Millbrook South Forest Preserve woods edge September 30, 2014








Bur Cucumber at Millbrook South Forest Preserve woods edge September 30, 2014

Bur Cucumber seeds at Millbrook South Forest Preserve woods edge September 30, 2014






Bur Cucumber at Millbrook South Forest Preserve woods edge September 30, 2014







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