Kendall County (IL) Forest Preserve District

 Canada Milkvetch
Astragalus canadensis   [C-value 10]
Bean family (Fabaceae)
Blooms July - August

The native Canada Milkvetch is rare in our area. It prefers full or partial sun and medium-moist to slightly dry soil. Habitats include black soil prairies, savannas, woodland borders and moist meadows. It is a perenniall, 1½–3½' tall, branching occasionally with ridged stems. The alternate compound leaves are odd pinnate, 5-9" long, with about 21-31 leaflets. The oblong untoothed leaflets are about 1½" long and 3/8" across. A whorled raceme (7-11" long) of pale cream or yellowish flowers occasionally develops from the upper axils of the compound leaves. Each flower is about ¾" long and tubular-shaped with five petals, including a curved upper hood, a lower keel, and close-fitting side petals.





Canada Milkvetch at Maramech Forest Preserve July 17, 2015











Canada Milkvetch at Maramech Forest Preserve July 17, 2015








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