Kendall County (IL) Forest Preserve District

Catalpa (Northern Catalpa)
Catalpa speciosa
Trumpet Creeper family (Bignoniaceae
Blooms June

The non-native Catalpa tree is uncommon in our area. Most wild occurrences are escapes from landscape plantings. It prefers full or partial sun, moist well-drained fertile soil. It is a medium-sized tree, 40-70' tall at maturity, forming a trunk up to 3½' across and a crown that is more or less ovoid. Its large leaves, 6-12" long and 4-8" across, occur oppositely or in whorls of 3. They are heart-shaped with petioles 4-6" long. This tree produces erect pyramidal panicles of bright white flowers about 4-12" tall. There are typically 10-30 flowers per panicle. Each flower is 1½-2" across and 2-2½" long and are later replaced by narrow "beans" 10-18" in long drooping down. The beans become purple then dark brown as they mature. 





Catalpa tree flowers at Violet Patch Park June 4, 2017








Catalpa tree at Violet Patch Park June 4, 2017

Catalpa tree at Violet Patch Park June 4, 2017





Catalpa tree with 'beans' at Oswego Library July 20, 2017











Catalpa tree with 'beans' at Oswego Library July 20, 2017









The Catalpa tree is the favored host for the Catalpa Sphinx and the Catalpa Midge. Their caterpillars are often called "Catalpa Worms" and are used often as bait worms in fresh water fishing. Reminder: see Do Not Disturb Notice.

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