Kendall County (IL) Forest Preserve District

 Common Arrowhead (Broadleaf Arrowhead)
Sagittaria latifolia   [C-value 4]
Water Plantain family (Alismataceae)

Blooms July -

The native Common Arrowhead is common in our area. It prefers full or partial sun, shallow water up to 1' deep or wet conditions, and fertile soil containing some organic matter. Habitats include swamps, marshes, bogs, seeps, low-gradient edges of ponds and slow-moving streams and drainage canals or ditches. This perennial emergent-aquatic usually grows in shallow water that is stagnant or slow-moving. It is 1-3' tall, with a rosette of basal leaves and one or more flowering stalks. Mature leaves are 4-14" long and 3-10" across, untoothed and arrow-shaped. Each flowering stalk terminates in a raceme of 2-9 whorls of flowers with 2-3 flowers per whorl. The flower is about 1" across and has 3 white rounded petals.





Common Arrowhead at Baker Woods Forest Preserve along AuSable Creek August 3, 2012








Common Arrowhead at Subat Forest Preserve wet area September 2, 2013





Common Arrowhead foliage at Rose Hill Subdivision pond July 9, 2012








Common Arrowhead colony at Rose Hill Subdivision pond July 9, 2012





Common Arrowhead fruits at Subat Forest Preserve wet area September 11, 2013








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