Kendall County (IL) Forest Preserve District

 Common Blackberry
Rubus allegheniensis   [C-value 3]
Rose family (Rosaceae)
Blooms mid-May -

The native Common Blackberry is common in our area. It prefers light shade to full sun and slightly moist to slightly dry rich fertile soil. Habitats include moist to slightly dry edges along woodlands, thickets, savannas, woodland meadows and roadsides. This woody shrub forms canes about 3-6' tall with stout prickles, initially erect but later bending down to re-root in the ground. The alternate leaves are 3- or 5-foliate compound with long petioles. The leaflets are up to 4" long and 3" across, usually oval-shaped and doubly toothed. The 2nd-year canes develop racemes with about 12 white flowers. The flower is about ¾-1" across with 5 white petals. The berries (drupes) develop later, about ¾" long and 1/3" across turning red and finally black. 

Common Blackberry at Lyon Forest Preserve May 26, 2015

Common Blackberry at Lyon Forest Preserve May 26, 2015

Common Blackberry at Harris Forest Preserve  May 28, 2017




Common Blackberry at Harris Forest Preserve  May 28, 2017














Common Blackberry at Harris Forest Preserve  May 28, 2017







Common Blackberry at Harris Forest Preserve  May 28, 2017





Common Blackberry berries (still green) at Lyon Forest Preserve May 26, 2017











Common Blackberry berries at Lyon Forest Preserve July 20, 2017









Common Blackberry at Lyon Forest Preserve July 20, 2017

Tempted to pick the berries? See our Do Not Disturb Notice.

Click here for more information.

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