Kendall County (IL) Forest Preserve District

False Rue Anemone
Enemion biternatum (Isopyrum biternatum)   [C-value 8]
Buttercup family (Ranunculaceae)
Blooms mid-March - April

The native False Rue Anemone is common in our area. It prefers partial sun to medium shade and moist to slightly-moist conditions in rich undisturbed woods. This woodland spring perennial is up to 1' tall, branching sparingly with alternate compound trifoliate leaves. The terminal leaflet has a longer petiole than the two lateral leaflets. These leaflets are up to 1" long and ¾" across, ternately lobed, cleft, and hairless. The white flowers are about ¾" across and occur individually or in groups of 2-3. Each flower has 5 white petal-like sepals and several slender stamens with yellow anthers. False Rue Anemone often forms dense colonies of plants.

False Rue Anemone at Pickerill/Pigott Forest Preserve March 23, 2015




False Rue Anemone at Millbrook South Forest Preserve April 23, 2014









False Rue Anemone at Lyon Forest Preserve March 23, 2016

False Rue Anemone at Pickerill/Pigott Forest Preserve April 24, 2015

False Rue Anemone colony (along with Wild Ginger) at Baker Woods Forest Preserve April 3, 2012

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