Kendall County (IL) Forest Preserve District

Fragrant Water Lily (American White Waterlily)
Nymphaea odorata   [C-value 7]
Water Lily family (Nymphaeaceae)
Blooms June - mid-September

The native Fragrant Water Lily is uncommon in our area. It prefers clear water, up to 8' deep, sunny conditions on the water surface, and mucky soil to anchor and nourish the root system. Natural habitats include ponds, protected areas of lakes, and clear slow-moving streams. This perennial aquatic can grow in water up to 8' deep. The 4-12" across orbicular shaped leaves develop directly from the rootstock on long petioles. Long unbranched flower stalks also develop directly from the rootstock with a single flower (usually floating) at its apex. Each flower is about 3-6" across with 20-30 white petals and golden yellow stamens in the middle.

Fragrant Water Lily at Harris Forest Preserve July 4, 2017

Fragrant Water Lily at Harris Forest Preserve June 1, 2013

Fragrant Water Lily at Harris Forest Preserve July 4, 2017

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