Kendall County (IL) Forest Preserve District

Highbush Blackberry (Sawtooth Blackberry)
Rubus argutus
Rose family (Rosaceae)
Blooms June

The native Highbush Blackberry is rare in our area. It prefers full or partial sun and moist to slightly dry conditions. This shrub develops first-year and second-year canes that are 2-6' high; the canes often bend or arch to one side and are light green to dark red, stout, angular, furrowed or ridged with sharp prickles less than ¼" long. First-year canes have alternate compound palmate leaves with 5 leaflets, each 3-5" long, 1-2¼" across and sharply toothed. Second-year canes have similar leaves but with only 3 leaflets and develop 2-6"-long racemes of 5-20 flowers. The individual 5-petaled white flowers are about ¾-1" across. The flowers are later replaced by bright red to black berries about 1/2" long.

Highbush Blackberry at Jay Woods Forest Preserve June 9, 2015




Highbush Blackberry foliage at Blackberry Trail Forest Preserve July 13, 2016









Highbush Blackberry at Blackberry Trail Forest Preserve July 13, 2016

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