Kendall County (IL) Forest Preserve District

Nodding Ladies' Tresses
Spiranthes cernua   [C-value 7]
Orchid family (Orchidaceae)
Blooms mid-August - September

The native Nodding Ladies' Tresses of the orchid family is uncommon in our area. It prefers full or partial sun and moist rocky or sandy soil. Habitats include moist sand prairies, sandy savannas and sandy areas near ponds or streams. This perennial is a member of the orchid family. It is usually 4-12" tall and unbranched. There is a rosettes of 2-6 strap-like basal leaves from which the flowering stalk grows with 6-12 flowers occurring on the upper half. Each tubular-shaped flower is about 1/3" long, consisting of 3 white sepals and 3 white petals. The upper sepal and upper two petals are fused together and form a curved hood that curls upward at its tip, forming a small upper lip with 3 lobes. The lower petal has a prominent lip that nods downward.




Nodding Ladies' Tresses at Pickerill/Pigott Forest Preserve August 31, 2014












Nodding Ladies' Tresses at Pickerill/Pigott Forest Preserve August 31, 2014












Nodding Ladies' Tresses at Pickerill/Pigott Forest Preserve August 30, 2017 (with dual flower racemes)








Nodding Ladies' Tresses slender basal leaves at Pickerill/Pigott Forest Preserve August 31, 2014

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