Kendall County (IL) Forest Preserve District

Round-Headed Bush Clover (Roundhead Lespedeza)
Lespedeza capitata   [C-value 4]
Bean family (Fabaceae)
Blooms August - mid-September

The native Round-Headed Bush Clover is common in our area. It prefers full sun and slightly moist to dry conditions. Habitats include black soil prairies, loamy savannas and open areas along roads. It is a leafy, wand-like perennial from 2-5' tall with fuzzy 3-parted (trifoliate) oval-shaped leaflets. The central stem terminates in a head of flowers about 2-5" long with numerous hairy bracts from which small white flowers barely protrude. Each flower is a little less than ½" long, with 5 white petals and a patch of purple near its throat.




Round-headed Bush Clover at Maramech Forest Preserve July 30, 2014









Round-headed Bush Clover at Maramech Forest Preserve July 30, 2014




Round-headed Bush Clover at Maramech Forest Preserve July 30, 2014









Round-headed Bush Clover foliage at Maramech Forest Preserve July 30, 2014




Round-Headed Bush Clover at Jay Woods Forest Preserve prairie September 3, 2014









Round-headed Bush Clover (soft) seed heads (from previous year) at Maramech Forest Preserve March 25, 2014

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