Kendall County (IL) Forest Preserve District

Siberian Crab
Pyrus baccata (Malus baccata)
Blooms April - mid-May

The non-native (Asian) Siberian Crab is uncommon in our area. It is an ornamental escape found occasionally along fence rows or trail sides. This tree grows up to 45’ tall with arching or overhanging red-brown branches and red-brown buds. Leaves are elliptic 1-3” long and .8”-1.4” across. The white fragrant flowers occur in clusters of 4–6. Each flower is 1.2”-1.4” in diameter with 5 white or pinkish-white petals. Fruits are red to yellow, about 1/2” in diameter, and spherical.

Siberian Crab along Minkler Road April 7, 2017

Siberian Crab along Minkler Road April 7, 2017




Siberian Crab at Hudson Park Oswego May 28, 2017












Siberian Crab trunks at Hudson Park Oswego May 28, 2017









Siberian Crab with fruits at Hudson Park Oswego May 28, 2017

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