Kendall County (IL) Forest Preserve District

Smooth Beard Tongue (Long-sepaled Beardtongue)
Penstemon calycosus   [C-value 7]
Snapdragon family (Scrophulariaceae)
Blooms mid-June - July

The native Smooth Beard Tongue is rare in our area. It prefers full or partial sun, average levels of moisture, and loamy soil. In the spring, one or more flowering stems emerge from the clustered purple rosettes and grow to about 3' tall. The opposite leaves on the flowering stems are hairless and lance-shaped. The white flowers occur in a panicle at the top of each flowering stem. They are tubular in shape and about 1" long, with the corolla divided into a lower lip with 3 lobes and and an upper lip with 2 lobes. Smooth Beard Tongue is very much like Foxglove Beard Tongue but blooms later.




Smooth Beard Tongue at Maramech Forest Preserve (prairie) July 30, 2014












Smooth Beard Tongue at Maramech Forest Preserve (prairie) July 30, 2014












Smooth Beard Tongue foliage at Maramech Forest Preserve (prairie) July 30, 2014







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