Kendall County (IL) Forest Preserve District

Ornithogalum umbellatum
Lily family (Liliaceae
Blooms May - mid-June

The non-native (European) Star-of-Bethlehem is uncommon in our area. It was introduced into the U.S. as an ornamental plant. It prefers full sun to light shade and slightly moist conditions. Habitats include cemetery prairies, grassy meadows and sunny or semi-shaded banks of streams. This perennial consists of a rosette of basal leaves spanning about 1' across with individual leaves about 6-12" long and up to ¼" across that curve upward from the base and bend downward around the middle. There is often a white stripe in the middle of each leaf. From the center of the rosette, there develops one or more flowering stalks about 6-9" tall with a raceme of white flowers about 3/4" across when fully open, consisting of 6 white tepals, 6 stamens, and a single pistil.

 Star-of-Bethlehem at Lyon Forest Preserve May 26, 2015




Star-of-Bethlehem at Lyon Forest Preserve May 26, 2015









Star-of-Bethlehem at Farnsworth House May 13, 2017

Star-of-Bethlehem shoots (among Wild Ginger) at Farnsworth House May 13, 2017

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