Kendall County (IL) Forest Preserve District

Starry False Solomon's Seal
Smilacina stellata (Maianthemum stellatum)   [C-value 5]
Lily family (Liliaceae)
Blooms mid-April - June

The native Starry False Solomon's Seal is common in our area. It prefers moist to slightly dry conditions and partial sunlight. Habitats include moist meadows in woodland areas, woodland borders, sandy riverbanks and semi-wooded slopes. This perennial is 1-2½' tall and unbranched with a central stem that is stout, smooth, zigzags slightly, and usually reclines to the side.  The alternate leaves are narrowly oval with parallel veins and smooth margins and up to 6" long and 2" across. The central stem terminates in a panicle of small white flowers. Each star-like flower is about 1/3" across with 6 narrow white tepals.




Starry False Solomon's Seal at Farnsworth House May 13, 2017





















    Starry False Solomon's Seal at Farnsworth House May 13, 2017

Starry False Solomon's Seal foliage at Farnsworth House May 13, 2017 

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